Develop a Smart Tire Pump!
Create a Solar-Powered Tire Pump

The Groene Garage has developed an innovative Smart Tire Pump that operates entirely on solar energy and can be installed independently of the power grid. This pump utilizes two photovoltaic (PV) panels for its power supply. The current design of the pump includes an 800 kg concrete base to ensure stability. This base supports a steel mast on which the PV panels are mounted. The mast is firmly anchored to prevent the structure from toppling over in strong winds.
Problem Statement
Although the current setup functions well, several challenges and areas for improvement have been identified:
- The heavy concrete base is currently buried, which is labor-intensive and limits installation locations.
- There is a desire to transition to a more modular and flexible solution using individual paving stones as ballast.
- A new housing design is needed that serves only as a cover and no longer has a load-bearing function.
- The necessity to make the structure compact and strong enough to withstand wind loads without requiring a large ground footprint.
Project Description
For the further development of the Smart Tire Pump, De Groene Garage is seeking an expert in construction and material selection. The following aspects need to be investigated and developed:
Construction Design:
- Design a new housing to cover the stack of paving stones and internal components, with a ground footprint of no more than 90 x 90 cm and a height of 180 cm.
- Evaluate whether a design with a cross-shaped base and supporting braces is feasible and effective for stability.
Material Selection:
- Provide advice on the thickness and material of the steel mast tube and braces. Can other materials, such as oak wood, also be used?
- Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of alternative materials compared to steel, considering safety and sturdiness.
Wind Load and Stability:
- Calculate the forces the structure must withstand, based on the height of the mast and the surface area of the PV panels.
- Analyze the required amount of paving stones as counterweight to prevent toppling, taking into account different ground surface areas.
- Investigate the optimal mounting height of the braces on the mast tube to maximize stiffness and stability.
- Identify other potential aspects that may impact the construction and design, such as ease of assembly and durability.
The results of this research will contribute to an improved, more efficient, and flexible setup of the Smart Tire Pump, making it easier to install and usable in more locations.
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