GROW program

GROW program

Are you ready to take the next step with your company? With the help of the GROW program you can lift your company to new heights, discover new possibilities and seize new growth opportunities. In six months you go through various growth phases with your company, in which you deal with various themes and implement them in the business operations together with a network of custom-selected experts. You do this together with a coach at your side who helps you achieve the set objectives.

For entrepreneurs who're ready for growth

Twente is known for the large amount of startups that have their roots in this region. But how do you go from startup towards a sustainable company? Novel-T offers successful startups guidance to help them grow into strong and sustainable businesses in the Novel-T Grow Program. During this program you will focus on improving and accelerating your business case with our help. This way we will challenge you to get the most out of your business case.

The Novel-T Grow Program is a program based on coaching and mentoring. You will work on the next step for your company together with our high-level experts and the regional stakeholders from our ecosystem. Together we will identify what is needed to give your company a boost and we’ll offer support and the tools to live up to the intended growth.

On March 27 we will start with the analysis day in which we will investigate together whether the GROW program is a good match with your ambitions. The actual program starts on April 12.

What's in it for you

  • Business analysis by experts

    You start this program with a scan of your company to determine the current situation in detail. Of course, we do this completely confidentially: you sign an NDA and choose what you do and do not share. The more you dare to open up, the better the result will be during the program. National experts in the fields of team building, finance, tech, and proposition, dive into the information and engage in conversation with you. In this way you get an objective measurement that forms the starting point of your grow journey.

  • Drawing up a development plan

    The analysis is the starting point for drawing up the development plan. In this plan, you describe the steps you want to take to develop your company, based on the OKR objectives that you will pursue during the program. Of course, you already have your own growth objectives, so this is not a replacement of those objectives but an addition and refinement. You can count on us to challenge you to take those objectives to a higher ambition level.

  • Coaching, experts, and support

    During the program, you will receive support in different ways, such as personal coaches, experts, and of course, the group of fellow participants. You get a venture partner - a coach - who spars with you every two weeks about maintaining your focus. You also get access to a network of experts who provide you with tailor-made support with your growth objectives. Most importantly, you participate in this program with a group of entrepreneurs. In this group, we encourage everyone to help and pick your brain.

  • Community

    In this program, you also become part of a community. This community consists of entrepreneurs with similar growth goals, and you can participate in various events, meetings, and more. We take you along on a national and international level, and we help you with your visibility, both inside and outside the community.

Business analysis by experts Drawing up a development plan Coaching, experts, and support Community

The GROW program is for you if...


  • Your company is in a growth phase and has between 10 and 100 employees;

  • You have a turnover of more than one million euros;
  • Your company is already growing, but not at the pace that suits your ambitions;

  • You can handle conversations about the content well and you would like to be challenged in your thinking;

  • You want to break through the barriers that stand in the way of your growth;

  • The management team is not afraid to take a different course if necessary.

These entrepreneurs preceded you

A diverse group of entrepreneurs have registered for previous batches of our GROW program. Each one with its own vision and goal. They like to share their experiences.

Daan Bol - Toelevering Online

Daan Bol - Toelevering Online

Tim and Stefan, our coaches, have constantly motivated and challenged us. As a result, we have made significant progress. Our focus has shifted from scaling to a better understanding of and service for our customers.

Geanny C. Amor dos Santos  - Flawless Workflow

Geanny C. Amor dos Santos - Flawless Workflow

The most valuable insight I gained from the GROW program was the realization that we all face similar challenges. Sharing experiences can be incredibly helpful and empowering in overcoming those challenges.

Tim de Kraker - Business Developer, Novel-T

Tim de Kraker - Business Developer, Novel-T

The success of the GROW program includes three key elements: truly committed participants who are open to change, a robust and well-defined process structure and finally top experts who transfer knowledge and facilitate change.

Discover the GROW program

Project Manager Rens Dommerholt, coach Tim de Kraker and participants in the program will tell you more about the GROW program in this video. 


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