Entrepreneurial Researcher Program

Research & application
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Entrepreneurial Researcher Program

Are you a researcher and do you want to use your research findings as the foundation for a spin-off company? During the Entrepreneurial Researcher Program, you will learn how to convert the results of your research into a spin-off company. This program is aimed at stimulating your entrepreneurial spirit and helps you to translate your own research into practice. After following this program you will know whether you are a budding entrepreneur and what the validation options are for your research.

From research to business plan in three days

  • Program of 4 meetings, a coaching session and a pitch
  • Learn how to market your research
  • Take the first step toward a spin-off company
  • For researchers from the University of Twente or Saxion University of Applied Sciences
  • Without costs, 1ECTS

Entrepreneurial researcher

  • Interactive masterclasses

    During the interactive masterclasses, you will learn everything you need to know as a researcher about business models, market research, intellectual property, pitching, and financing. The program consists of four meetings on the aforementioned topics, a personal coaching session and finally you pitch your business proposition to a panel of experts.

  • Brush up on your entrepreneurial skills

    De ondernemersvaardigheden die je leert in dit programma zijn waardevol voor een carrière in de wetenschap, omdat het je helpt om beter in contact te komen met het bedrijfsleven. Daarnaast krijg je beter inzicht in de toepassingsgebieden van je onderzoek om zo meer waarde te creëren.

  • Start your spin-off company

    Are you considering starting a spin-off company? Then this program is also the perfect start to validate your research. Starting a spin-off company is not a requirement for this program: all entrepreneurial researchers from the University of Twente and Saxion University of Applied Sciences are welcome!

Interactive masterclasses Brush up on your entrepreneurial skills Start your spin-off company

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