Infosession GROW program

Sept. 4, 2024
19:00 - 21:00
Infosession GROW program

Are you an ambitious entrepreneur ready to take your business to the next level? Join our meeting for entrepreneurs with growth ambitions to discover how our six-month GROW program can help you achieve your growth objectives. Designed to support entrepreneurs in identifying and overcoming growth barriers, the GROW Program offers personalized business scans, individual coaching, and masterclasses from top experts.

During this info session:

  • Learn how the GROW Program can help you set your Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) and develop a 100-day growth plan.
  • Discover the benefits of working with a personal coach and participating in plenary masterclasses.
  • Gain insight into the extensive network of experts and other (scale-up) founders you'll meet during the program.

Be inspired by the success stories of other entrepreneurs and find out how the GROW Program can help you turn growth challenges into growth opportunities.


Sunday 04-08-2024
Monday 09-09-2024
Tuesday 01-10-2024
Sunday 7 p.m.
Meeting for entrepreneurs with growth ambitions (1)
Monday 7 p.m.
Meeting for entrepreneurs with growth ambitions (2)
Tuesday 7 p.m.
Meeting for entrepreneurs with growth ambitions (3)

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