cases >> LED-displays langs nieuwe fietssnelweg als beloning

Make a new bicycle highway alluring, how do you do that? Rianne got this challenge through Novel T SMART. The client, Engineering firm Juust BV, was looking for innovative perspectives to stimulate cyclists to use the new bicycle highway. A question that is very timely due to the immense distances in Zeeland. Rianne: “It was very motivating to work on a challenge from a real company.”
The experience of headwind
The most important elements of the challenge were the use of technology, the factors that influence the cycle experience and stimulating, and promoting bicycle traffic. “At the beginning, we were focused on ‘the wind’. Can we think of physical solutions to reduce the negative effects of headwind or even remove it?” says Rianne. However, that was not as simple as it seemed. Rianne: “That is why we switched the focus, and I went to look for a solution to limit or resolve the subjective experience of headwind.”
A virtual design
“Based on literature research, I came to a prototype of a mobile application. Which gives the users more knowledge in their cycling behavior,” explains Rianne. Part of this solution
was LED-displays next to the route. As a result of the measures around the intelligent lock-down, execution of the research on location seemed not possible. “Nevertheless, I continued research using a virtual environment in combination questionnaires,” explains Rianne. “With Creative Technology, we learn to brainstorm visually as well as practical. With this in mind, I eventually came up with a (digital) physical prototype, “Rianne says.
“We succeeded in involving cyclists by adding the LED-displays at a few points along the route. In that way, we could play around with the weather conditions,” explains Rianne. Part of the designed displays should be placed whenever part of Zeeland’s bicycle highway will be used. “People can be externally motivated using simple rewards, I find that special. By implementing something as simple as a points system for the application, people motivate themselves because the results are measurable and visible,” Rianne explains.
The value of a practice assignment
“It was motivating to work on a challenge from a real company. You come across real-life problems. You experience those challenges less whenever you are executing a challenge at
the university,” Rianne explains. Moreover, being able to feel the work atmosphere at engineerings firm Juust was extra valuable for Rianne. “They are very creative and skilled.
Even at a distance and during the covid pandemic, it was of a high value. I recommend everybody to do a practical assignment through Novel T SMART!”
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"It was motivating to work on a challenge from a real company"
Rianne Ouderkerken
Student Creative TechnologyMore about
LED-displays langs nieuwe fietssnelweg als beloning
Make a new bicycle highway alluring, how do you do that? Rianne got this challenge through Novel T SMART. The client, Engineering firm Juust BV, was looking for innovative perspectives to stimulate cyclists to use the new bicycle highway. A question that is very timely due to the immense distances in Zeeland. Rianne: “It was very motivating to work on a challenge from a real company.”