Help develop a cleaning technology to recover gases from aerosol cans

Investigate the methods and process routes for gas separation and recovery components.


DeSpray Environmental ( is a private company based in Almelo, part of the Boessenkool Group. DeSpray designs, manufactures and markets aerosol recycling systems in a variety of designs around the world. In the future, DeSpray also wants to add gas cleaning systems to these units.

The goal of this project is to help develop a gas cleaning technology for the gasses that we recover from aerosol cans, this gas still has some “waste” or residue in it and some low boiler liquids that we need to separate from the other gasses like Propane, Butane, DME, etc.


The tools that can be used are the tools we have available internally, or other tools that the University might have available for modeling. Or tools that are available online.


Required skills are chemical skill to understand the working and modelling of gasses and skills to understand filtering methods of gasses.


DeSpray is designing, manufacturing and selling aerosol can recycling systems all over the world in various models and is adding gas cleaning systems in the future to these units. There is also budget available to actually built lab scale models and a full prototype within a short timescale.

DeSpray is looking for an internship student researcher Science & Technology (Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences TNW), specialized in Chemical Science & Engineering.




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